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City of Newburyport

The City of Newburyport advances its Green Communities initiative with a cost-saving Cree® LED lighting solution.

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Newburyport, MA
Outdoor Lighting
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The citizens of Newburyport, Massachusetts take great pride in their home. “We’re a beautiful seaport community, rich in history,” says Mayor Donna Holaday.

A bird flyway passes over the city. It has excellent walking trails and bike paths, lovely beaches and a state park that’s great for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. It’s a wonderful ecotourism destination.

No surprise then that Newburyport is designated by the state of Massachusetts as a Green Community. In keeping with that, the city committed to, and has now achieved, a 20 percent reduction in energy consumption.

But the Newburyport Energy Advisory Committee is ever vigilant for savings beyond that 20 percent, and when state legislation was enacted allowing municipalities to purchase their own street lights, it saw a great opportunity.

The city was spending about a quarter of a million dollars a year on its street lights. A search was launched for a more cost- and energy-efficient solution that kept the lights on in Newburyport.

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